D iagnostic 10-question, multiple choice, weekly dynamic (common) formative assessment
A ssessments CST & Periodic Assessments - goal of 95% participation rate
R escue Assignment Correlates directly to the weekly diagnostic - 4 similar questions for each missed
T ranslations 10 per week - translate English words directly into math symbols without solving
S tory Problems 1 word problem (or more) per week using a common graphic organizer & rubric
Read more about the DARTS Model Components including how-to's and FAQ's.

Generic Diagnostic Tally Sheet and all DARTS Components by Heather Karuza are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Created by Heather Karuza, and first used by Thomas Alva Edison Middle School of LAUSD (July 2009).
DARTS & DREAM Diagnostic Spreadsheet Request Form
Want a Google Doc diagnostic spreadsheet customized for your school? CLICK HERE to download the request form. You must fill out a separate request form for each grade level. Request forms can be customized for various numbers of question and answer choices - just make a note in the additional comments section.
We use GradeCam to collect the data from our 10-question diagnostics.
Sign up for a free version! http://www.gradecam.com/ You can scan up to 10-questions for free!
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